
Adi Dravidar & Tribal Welfare

Policy Note 2024-2025


Government has taken several steps by framing appropriate policies needed to design and implement various welfare programmes for achieving the objectives of creating favourable environment to ensure speedy socio-economic development of Adi Dravidars and Tribals. Major ameliorative activities for these communities are grouped under educational development, economic development, Special Component Plan for Adi Dravidars and the Tribal Sub Plan for Tribals. Tamil Nadu Adi Dravidar Housing and Development Corporation (TAHDCO) implements the economic development programmes in addition to the regular economic development programmes implemented by various sectoral departments for the benefit of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes with specific target coverage for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

The Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department is implementing all the programmes and schemes effectively for the economic and educational advancement of these people.

District AdiDravidar and Tribal Welfare Officer

Email : dadwtnv[at]gmail[dot]com
Mob : 7338801275
Phone no : 0462-2501074

Adi Dravidar & Tribal Welfare
Programme / Services / Schools Link
ADW Welfare Programmes Click Here
List Of ADW Schools Click Here
ADW Welfare hostel Details Click Here