

PWD Kodayar Radhapuram Main Canal

Radhapuram main channel of 28/800 Km length was excavated during 1970 in excavated during 1970 in Tirunelveli District is an extension olden Thovalai channel under Kodayar system under Kanyakumari District.The Radhapuram channel starts at L.S 2050m of Nilapparai channel and runs to a length of 28.800Km until it merges into Mahendrankulam in Radhapuram.The Radhapuram is a lined channel in trapezoidal crosssection and with a designed discharge of 150c/s to feed 52 Nos of tanks.This channel is the major life line of irrigation to 17000 Acres of Ayacut both direct and indirect.The entire stretch of the channel system except the starting point lies in the Radhapuram taluk in Tirunelveli District.

Kothaiyar river top view

Hydraulic Particulars

Hydraulic Particulars
Decription Numbers
Radhapuram channel Total Length 28.800 Km
Total Ayacut 17000 Acres
Direct Ayacut 15980 Acres
Tank Ayacut 1012.15 Acres
Total Tanks 52 Nos
Total Distributories 32 Nos
Length of Distributories 107.469 Km
Channel bed width 3.50 m
Discharge 150 Cusecs ( 12.96 mcft /day)
No of syphon 9 Nos
Super passage 37 Nos.

Alathuraiyar Diversion Scheme

Alathuraiyar river originates on the eastern slope of western ghats in Panakudy village in Radhapuram Taluk of Tirunelveli District.The river water flows are diverted by Kanchiparai anicut through Upper contour canal and then diverted by Sooravali Anicut through Lower contour canal, to fall into Hanumanathi River.There are 11 Nos of Anicut in Hanumanathi which are feeding 47 tanks under Alathuraiyar system.